January 13, 2011


 Silence and Noise maxi skirt. Tulle burgundy sweater,  Urban Outfitters hat, and Urban Outfitters black ring.
 Before the New years Birthday party.( Francesca's Lace dress $19.99)
 Black clogs and maxi skirt.
 Me and my Uncle before he left for Iraq. He gave me the shirt :)
 Me and daddy before the party :)
 Tulle collard sweater (ebay 12.99) Maxi Silence + Noise skirt ( Urban Outfitters $19.99) Silver elastic belt (Marshalls 12.99) Urban Outfitters hat (on sale $4.99)

Me and my Grandma at Christmas.( Banana Republic sweater on sale)

January 7, 2011


 This was in theater class. I am wearing Steve Madden boots and a Truley, Madley, Deeply over sized shirt from Urban Outffiters. I was so excited because I got an Urban Outffiters Gift Card for Christmas and when I went to spend it all sale items were 50% off! I got some major deals and didn't even spend all o my gift card! Some things that i got included this black over sized tee. A maxi skirt, harem pants, thin belts, sheer button up shirt, summer hat, and more. This was the greatest shopping day of my life!
 This was on look book as an edited version. Check it out!

 Theater class.
 I love this picture of my mom looking at the Christmas tree.
Blurred lights of the Christmas tree.
Black and White.